The Last Piece of Pie

You work an extra hour

And sometimes more than two,

To justify to yourself

The raise your boss gave you.

You ride the train sometimes

To save on car fuel

And today as you sprung from bed,

Barely wiping off your drool

You ironed another shirt

So your sister could have yours,

Picked up the newspaper in a hurry,

to read on all the wars.

And highlighted all the helplines

Like you always do,

So you can send in the supplies,

And tell your friends too.

Your coffee to go

No sugar, just extra cream

That’s the donut Joe loves!

And so you take some for your team.

You – why must you doubt – so much and so often

What you are and what you do

These little things that come so easily

You must keep close to you.


Because, my darling, don’t you see?

How much this silly world could use

All that you think and all that you feel

All that you are and all that you want to be.


So hit the snooze button sometimes

It’s okay, I promise, we all do.

And eat that last piece of pie,

My darling, this silly world saved it for you.

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